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इसका नाम Tubular stay adjuster (Large) है । इसका इस्तमाल Railway OHE में Stay arm tube और large suspension bracket को जोड़ने में किया जाता है । इसका RI code - 2402-1 होता है । इसमें दो तरह के adjuster होते है एक 16 hole दूसरा 12 hole . इसमें 16 hole होते है इसलिए इसका नाम Tubular Stay Adjuster Large है । दोनों को अगर एक बार देखते है तो कुछ ऐसा दिखते है ।

Its name is Tubular stay adjuster. It is used to connect the Stay arm tube and large suspension bracket to the Railway OHE. Its RI code is - 2402-1. There are two types of adjuster one 16 hole and the other 12 hole. It has 16 holes, hence its name Tubular Stay Adjuster Large. If you see both of them at once, it looks something like this.

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